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Waiting for Wikidata image

OSM link: location of the monument on OSM (only if coordinates are available)

WLM Coverage: photographic coverage of monuments in relation to the contest

Commons Coverage: coverage of monuments in relation to all traceable images from Commons

WLM Images: monument photographs taken during the WLM contest (all editions)

Relevant Images: monument photographs present on the Wikidata page

Creation date on Wikidata: creation date of the monument Wikidata page

WLM authorization date: date of authorization to share images under a CC-SA-BY license of the corresponding monument. Corresponds to entry in contest

First WLM image: date of the upload of the first image taken in the contest

Most Recent WLM image: date of the most recent image taken in the contest

First Commons image: date of the upload of the first image, among all the traceable ones

Most Recent Commons image: date of the most recent image, among all the ones traceable on Commons

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